Sunday, February 20, 2011

20 Amp Line Voltage Programmable Thermostat

La Cura

In chapter five of the last novel by Matthew B. Bianchi, Revelation home, specifically on page 39, describes a nice habit idiolect of two friends, which consists in labeling different types of character with the name of a publishing house. A cocky, sophisticated humor, if you will, but fully functional, at least in this narrative context.

two things immediately known.

The first is highlighted by the author, who writes:

"It was only after they have cataloged all that you have realized the derogatory. That corresponded to each imprint only negative characters. Have you wondered if this testifies to the detriment of Italian or your ability to judge the world positively. "

The character in question thus excludes the most plausible explanation, namely that its world coincides with the publishing industry. So, let's face it: who gets to come up with jokes like that, but a person who devotes all his waking hours to reading? So a person who - on balance - live in a world of paper *?

The second is that the traits associated with the brands Editoral concern mainly the catalog. It would be interesting to introduce some element in the equation a bit 'more ... inside, so to speak. For example, the use of skilled labor unpaid, the pimping, blackmail **. But I fear that the novel, in this case, would no longer be published.

course, the catalog is the main source of the alleged prestige of an imprint, of course. But "everything else"? The binding
survive the second reading? The paper I will crumble in your hand in ten years? The layout of the text easier to read, clear and pleasing to the eye, or is it a jumble of letters that rickety ass pound each other to save space? The content is clear well, or has been completely altered by the careless hands of an editor of Zeta series? The overall look of the page is the substance? Contains all the information about the work (literary, date of composition, names of editors and reporters)? The imprint is telling the truth? The script is provided with equipment (comments, footnotes, bibliographies) adequate? The back cover is really the content of the book, or just a flue advertising? That is, summing up: who produced the book has been compared to me, as a player?

Since we no longer live in the time of Aldus Manutius - least of all, alas, the Bobbio scriptorium - are a bit reluctant to believe that a book was packaged with care just because it was posted by Tom or Dick.
Mine is only an opinion, and if they could discuss, but I do not think that there are "good editors" and "poor publishers" and I think rather that there are books made with varying degrees of attention, so they can be read more or less attention.
Behold, I have the impression that fewer and fewer readers, nowadays, require a good quality of the content, editorial material, and that for this to circulate more books misdeeds. Therefore, it is not so strange that the character of Revelation home good use of the various imprints to denote only negative attributes.

should simply refine your search. The beautiful things in this world, there are.
For a few others, there are. (Yes, even then novel!)

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* I am obviously referring to the character, not the author of the novel, I do not know personally. Moreover, although Mr. White lived in a world of paper, would have all my understanding: the real one is not 'I'm much.
** Yes, I have in mind very specific episodes.


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