Sunday, February 27, 2011

Trick Star For Sale Bmx


We danced with scarves, a fast music and slow music, the fast was more fun .... then with the mask, we fate dance wax crayon, before the blue or green, with the slow music, then the red one with the fast music. Then we removed the mask e. .. SURPRISE!

Plato Dvd Ripper License


Yes, yes, if you put your ear to the paper that we brought from home, we can feel many things ... the teachers, the paper told of a secret candy (not you can tell ...) and said different things to children, someone told the story of Snow White and the Three Little Pigs, sang some paper, etc.. Only one of Mehmet did not say anything ...

Milena Velba Chomikuj

you know That Beautiful Things Come To An End. and i't so sad.

today i write without capital letters 'cause it's as i wrote with my eyes closed.
i have nothing to say, i hope everyday that my love grow up with me.
and i hope that one day we sleep togheter, and i don't mean have sex 'cause isn't our need.
i want to close my eyes and when i open them i will find you here in front of me.
'cause i love you, damn.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Can Wine Case Black Stool


They came by the grandparents and Elsa Aurora to teach us to dance the tarantella, they were great, we are a little less ..... A grandmother and grandfather ROSANGELA FRANCO, applause and a GRAZIEEEEEEE!

Multi Room 5.1 Speakers Switch

This spring you will smell a bit of ourselves and of those scents that spread in the air, so simply. Three wonderful memories

Sinceramente non ho mai sentito il bisogno della primavera, non è la mia stagione preferita e neppure "un periodo della vita" che mi affascina; dicono porti novità, serenità and quiet, but I always found the opposite.
And now I'm here, I think with a smile:

"But when you come?"

are enhanced a little girl, I entertain, I have a lot of things I want to do. First of all, I want all immortalized in the photos that I will: with the green grass, colorful trees (which are masked too) and a butterfly, I know that you love so much.
I want to trap and keep your smile forever in a sharp picture and bright, but I would not care if he moved, first of all I know you're on the subject, and that's what counts.
because I want to photograph every detail is important for me, I remember all the words are not enough, how do you write too many and you know it, but I do not blame you.
I want to listen to you "You are " and fall into tears, pretend you do not have eyes, and I wish you knew it and what you would have never done.

Maybe I want too many things, only images, futile dreams ...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Small Hemorrhoid Brazillian Wax


ANDREI 4th \u200b\u200bBirthday! Happy Birthday

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Does A Womans Period Look Like

Say "hello" to the last entry on the right side, it's my S. Valentine 's gift.
I Received it today from my boyfriend.
I was surprised, and so happy. I love him so much.

Today Was A Beautiful Day, But we visited One really nice presentation of illustration. We have
Also Voted Our favorite, I Have Voted the No. 117 'cause it Was a little macabre.

King Soopers January 1, 2010

Del tradurre - use fear

Just jumped in the pool, immediately felt lighter.
The tank was empty, except for a couple of old ladies.
... who squirmed on the bottom?

admired the guns recovered by the Red Army Russian ship which ran aground in 1864.
... the master with the iPod?

Monday, February 21, 2011

What's Better Walls Or Carhartt


We built the maracas with the bottles of yogurt, we have filled with lentils, pasta, rice etc..

maracas Each makes a different sound ...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

20 Amp Line Voltage Programmable Thermostat

La Cura

In chapter five of the last novel by Matthew B. Bianchi, Revelation home, specifically on page 39, describes a nice habit idiolect of two friends, which consists in labeling different types of character with the name of a publishing house. A cocky, sophisticated humor, if you will, but fully functional, at least in this narrative context.

two things immediately known.

The first is highlighted by the author, who writes:

"It was only after they have cataloged all that you have realized the derogatory. That corresponded to each imprint only negative characters. Have you wondered if this testifies to the detriment of Italian or your ability to judge the world positively. "

The character in question thus excludes the most plausible explanation, namely that its world coincides with the publishing industry. So, let's face it: who gets to come up with jokes like that, but a person who devotes all his waking hours to reading? So a person who - on balance - live in a world of paper *?

The second is that the traits associated with the brands Editoral concern mainly the catalog. It would be interesting to introduce some element in the equation a bit 'more ... inside, so to speak. For example, the use of skilled labor unpaid, the pimping, blackmail **. But I fear that the novel, in this case, would no longer be published.

course, the catalog is the main source of the alleged prestige of an imprint, of course. But "everything else"? The binding
survive the second reading? The paper I will crumble in your hand in ten years? The layout of the text easier to read, clear and pleasing to the eye, or is it a jumble of letters that rickety ass pound each other to save space? The content is clear well, or has been completely altered by the careless hands of an editor of Zeta series? The overall look of the page is the substance? Contains all the information about the work (literary, date of composition, names of editors and reporters)? The imprint is telling the truth? The script is provided with equipment (comments, footnotes, bibliographies) adequate? The back cover is really the content of the book, or just a flue advertising? That is, summing up: who produced the book has been compared to me, as a player?

Since we no longer live in the time of Aldus Manutius - least of all, alas, the Bobbio scriptorium - are a bit reluctant to believe that a book was packaged with care just because it was posted by Tom or Dick.
Mine is only an opinion, and if they could discuss, but I do not think that there are "good editors" and "poor publishers" and I think rather that there are books made with varying degrees of attention, so they can be read more or less attention.
Behold, I have the impression that fewer and fewer readers, nowadays, require a good quality of the content, editorial material, and that for this to circulate more books misdeeds. Therefore, it is not so strange that the character of Revelation home good use of the various imprints to denote only negative attributes.

should simply refine your search. The beautiful things in this world, there are.
For a few others, there are. (Yes, even then novel!)

******************************************* ****************

* I am obviously referring to the character, not the author of the novel, I do not know personally. Moreover, although Mr. White lived in a world of paper, would have all my understanding: the real one is not 'I'm much.
** Yes, I have in mind very specific episodes.

Types Of Computer Mice

You always know how to take, and that is why I am convinced every time than you may be unsolvable and mysterious. Add

also "your" favorite superfluous words.

Hydroquinone Turns Skin Dark

oh I'm in love with the wrong person, i think.

I'm listening "Just the Way You Are" and i think. Thin
That I'm so sick to receive only disappointment from the boy that i love, 'cause I love him, right?

Am I sure to love him? Well, i do not know.
I'm so confused in my head there are many thoughts.

I Want To Be With Him right now, But I can not.
I can do anything, my utility is zero.

.... is over.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dlugoterminowa погода

are all ready, the blinds drawn, lights off ... the music of the time, you hear it rain, louder and louder, you should hide under the table ...

What's going on?? But it rains davverooo (LOL!)

And the joke continues with great joy for all ...

And here comes the wind, and it really seems that the wind blows, it blows blows soffiaaa. Then stand under it's beautiful !

And now the hardest part because we should not draw the storm, but its noise, the patter of rain is probably the most difficult, because children have a mental image of the drop, despite Consequently, every design is different, the drops of Fabrizio, the last box are designed as they fall to the ground and spread, exactly the time when they Ciack!

And now the sound of thunder, so abstract, but strong enough to fill the whole package. Here again the representation is very different, that of Ilaria seems so different from the others, but all those points make a very good sense of disorder

And finally the wind, this very different from each other, to note that of Valerie, started from the center, with small sections concentric.

E 'was a very pleasant task, for reasons of space we published a few works, the others are all presented in class

How Long Will I Have The Foot Drop?

please do not forget about me 'cause When the sun shines, we shine togheter and now, that's Raining More Than Ever i love you completely.

♥ I Love You More Today Than Yesterday.


[Edit 22:31]
Why things I try to instill me alone this night has been white and the eye will not close.
but unfounded do you care? What do you care about us? Thing.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How Do I Know If My Monitor Is High Definition

Letter to a god, if it really exists.

Dear god, I write your name with a lowercase letter because I think that you do not and then there might not be of importance for me, then you should not touch.
Maybe I'll be writing to someone, or perhaps to nothing, to nothing, but I write anyway.
Why am I so? Why have these attitudes?
I did something bad in previous lives?
do not know, god, I see happy people next to me and I feel a weight in my heart, I see kids who I love salt and melancholy, and I think I see kindness. What I think? A
everything that humans do every day, how many truths and lies behind his words and the way they relate with others.
Why are not happy god?
I have everything that makes a person happy, but because I, personally, are not?
What am I missing? I'm talking not of objects but for me personally, God.

If you answer would be a great gesture of kindness, I must ask too many other things.

Write soon, give me a sign as they say.


Build A Bathtub Out Of Brick


But how good food in primary school and then ... look who is rivedeeeee!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Origin Of Genital Crabs

God Makes No Mistakes.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Does Cherry Eye Hurt?

dusts off the walls of my house and nineteenth-century novels I read, I ask what is life but no one answers.

And 'one of the days when time goes fast, you promise to do a certain action at a certain time, then look at your watch and discover that you're late.
delay, waiver. Surrender, ah, yes.
I'm putting "cautiously" the basis for my little dream - E. means - except that, given my (s) Fortunately, the only fault I got between 6 other parcels, I would say "that great blow to sit," Yeah. But do not give me to win, we return tomorrow or Tuesday, and I see to buy the right one, so I can start.

My father and today we made cookies for S.valentino, he made a chocolate cake with coconut on the surface, I mess up (yes, I would call them) chocolate heart-shaped, that look like muffin but that's okay.

last thing, I found another key! I do not know if I had already written, but is an event, now I have two alike.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Lavener Colored Toilet Seat

Il Muro come Twitter

On the other hand, have it between two cars in the race would be a little 'difficult.

(Incidentally, I can not think of the vivid scene of Teleny ...)

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Shut up and kiss me.

Perhaps it was a times when I thought of a hard sentence, autoconvincendomi to say and then do it with great shame.
And instead it was all more natural than what I thought, surely one of those times when I convince myself to be strong.

The reality does not scare me if I'd live with you.

remains to me next.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How Do You Roll The Navy Neckerchief

= I love you for ever Foreve 'But I do not put the R' cause it's the end of forever.

Revelations that at the last minute make doubtful the people with whom I try to be good, but then you remember that there's that message that your classmate will copiaincolla text by Paolo & Francesca, and you feel better. You
feel good, free from all thought. Because I knew from day one, from your tears on my book dedicated to you, I had understood this and understand.
You know I feel good about yourself, really, Silvia. Thanks.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How Accurate Is A 3 Month Hiv Test

We have seen the show ON THE ROAD WITH SCARECROW. Here's the North Wind and the South, the scarecrows and birds. All deftly maneuvered by Abbott and Salvatore

Shire Horsebelt Buckle

did not know you, a little bit of eternity, my big dream was to chastity, then I met you, the wind storm in me, I had only two lovers: religion and science. My soul is' your breath away.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sharks In My Swimming Pool

Forbidden Planet

weird creatures, we children of Eve. There are things that we like because we like them and that's it, and there are others that we like for a specific reason, however, all of which we are unaware, and these remain for many years - if not for life.
So, for example, only relatively recently I wondered what was due to my youthful passion for literature of the fantastic. E - feeling a little 'guest Marzullo - I also responded.

When I told this point scored from the cycle of Lord of the Rings by reading it twice, I was giving the fascist *. I did not understand the reason, because at that time still eluded me the sharpness of wit with which the fanatics apply arbitrary meanings to symbols that are not such, but I was very clear that in my frequent episodes in Middle-earth, Darkover, Shannara Cimmeria and was looking for something other than castor oil.

is true that Tolkien's world is characterized by the presence of several non-human races, each dwelling in an enclosed space, which would seem to praise to a certain separatism. It must however be admitted that the author presents a scenario in which the existence of dwarves, elves and talking trees and self-propelled is normal, and we must recognize that in the Fellowship of the Ring offers us a splendid example of multi-ethnic association.

As for fiction, the firing squad of scornacchiati accompanying Adam Reith ** - made so by human beings, but of very different backgrounds, each in its own way home from the oppressed - will not be multiethnic, but it is a Court Miracle in effect! Come on, Traz is a fruit that follows Reith as a dog slave , ANAC is a transvestite through and through, and Zap a sort of novice to taxation, either escape from the convent. All gathered around a different pattern: Reith same, the only exogenous.

Asimov's writings is not difficult to find the stranger, the misunderstood, the hermaphrodite ***. Even Hugh Hoyland
**** is a different between the different, and as most valuable ally a mutant that I would marry Joe-Jim, biteste reading Dumas and play chess, to which the author puts in his mouth a sentence memorable applicabilissima to most human conflicts, " Two heads on one pair of shoulders Necessarily must find ways of getting along together .
Bluette Horthy in command is a transsexual, Orain, lord of Castamir *****, is a lover of men . And the X-Men ... be, 'do not even need talk about it, really.

I've never known whether this is a constant element of fantasy and science fiction - I read too little of both genders, and I have the expertise to carry out a study on the issue - but the fact that among the eight and thirteen years, my favorite books had in common the theme of the other seems to me anything but marginal. Not to mention that, among visitors , bionic dogs, Bedknobs and Broomsticks, my sexual orientation goes virtually unnoticed.

This, among other things, also explains why the most exquisite fennel literature has never been able to turn on my interest in novels upon us, generally, speak of guilt, unhappy love, disease, discrimination and harassment. And I try to read books, not write.

******************************************** ***************

* You can give the fascist about a boy of eleven years? Sure, there are those who manage to be so in four, but if this was my case, I'd be in gripping the club, and my tender Compagnucci class. ** In the cycle
Planet of Adventure, by Jack Vance. *** In the novels
The Caves of Steel , The Naked Sun, The Robots of Dawn , Robots and Empire, in Foundation Series, the figures of Hari Seldon and Mule ; Fallom Finally, child-a Foundation and Earth. Robert A.
**** Heinlein, Orphans of the Sky . *****
Theodore Sturgeon, The Dreaming Jewels , Marion Zimmer Bradley, Hawkmistress! .