Friday, January 28, 2011

Unique Seating Chart Ideas


someone explain to me why a book is a stupid stupid women for "feminine" and a book for stupid people stupid is "adventure"?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Front Plate Bracket For Honda Civic


Josephine 4th Birthday! GREETINGS! And then there is' another surprise ... he was born SAMUEL , his brother

Nasal Spray Burns Throat What To Do


We had a good game and a child, blindfolded, had to walk towards the sound of musical instrument. The children played and played great and pimps-

The following is a rolling tool. In turn, the children ran toward the instruments and played what they liked best

What's Better Graboid Onyx Or Pearl

Letter from a mother to a disabled child

This is a letter from a mother to a disabled child, published Tuttiinsieme, "The magazine for those who make more effort to live", which was founded several years ago by William Clare, a courageous girl of Verona, herself severely physical problems, "I was born at noon on Friday. Without great fanfare, quickly, without making me suffer too much. Her eyes were closed, the tongue hanging out, I looked and I thought: "How ugly!" But I did not have the courage to say and I said, "How little." Things did not improve over time. Everybody knew, all around us, unless your father and me. They sent us by a famous physician. When it goes back to the house, you put it back in the cradle, I looked and prayed, "Lord, God, God takes away: Take it Back Time:" What is his useless life? ". Forgive me my son. We then asked him for forgiveness, and I ask forgiveness of your life now useless?
learned that you were a child like the others, only with different problems. When you said "mama," wept for joy, even if you had three years. When, on unsteady legs, I corresti meeting and opened his arms and I was happy, even if you had more than four years. It taught me patience. When at that time, nobody wanted, neither the school nor the company, I learned to be humble, smiling, polite because someone did a caress. It taught me humility. When people began to notice you and those like you, I began to fight, and fight again, because you were accepted. It taught me to fight. Finally, when the other mothers for their children dreamed of first place in school, career, society, I was content of your initial progress. It taught me to desire happiness for my children, not wealth or success.
And when her aunt came to live next to us, exacerbated its woes, with a character impossible and unbearable, the only vacuum that all the relatives they had created around and unable to be alone, once again you showed your life helpful but not necessary: \u200b\u200bfor twenty-two years the company you did, day after day, enduring his despotism, sometimes his arrogance, volendole well, softening its sad moments, making her smile for your use paradoxical. Twenty-two years intended purpose in his life, a rhythm on his life, a reason for his actions. Needless to your life? When she died, I get it back for us. Your father and I, with maturity, we met a new tenderness, understanding never before achieved, and all three spent the last happy holiday island of Elba, the most beautiful of all our lives. Then the disease, the mercy of your father. When I returned from disparate cemetery, I found you again, at home, I did not know anything, that you understood, but which "feel" for that mysterious feeling that you have, something that terrible had happened. And for you I went back to first survive, then, although to a lesser extent, to live for thee I started to work, to fight. You are my company: If I have a pat, even if someone hugs me, if anyone still reminds me that the need for tenderness is ageless, I owe to you. If I can still bring happiness to anyone, this is you, who just so little to be happy. Needless to your life? ". (GV, Venice)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Gifts For Burn Victims

Another Country

the wings: "Hm. Forgive me ... "
committed:" Tell me! "
the wings:" I can not find the "homosexuality". Have you moved? "
committed: «...»
the wings, 'Well, maybe in reality it was called" gay / lesbian, "I do not remember exactly ..."
committed: «...»
the wings: "I've caused an injury?"
committed: "Eh? Huh? No, sorry, I was thinking. "
the wings," Bravo. And then? "
committed:" No, I do not think I have ... Are you sure that there was a section ... dedicated a. .. what? "
the wings," sure. Look, it was right there among the books on mental illness. It was between "anorexia / bulimia" and "drugs / addiction."
committed: «...»
the wings: "Yes, I know, that the drug is not a mental illness, but I assure you that everything was prepared like that. "
committed:" Maybe in the "psychology"? "
the wings:" No, I already checked. "
committed:" Then try "fiction." They are in alphabetical order. What interests you? "
the wings:" Let's say that starts with C. "
committed: «...»
the wings: "Pardon me, humor industry."

In fact, the section was really moved to the department of fiction, the latest on the lowest shelf of a bookcase Remote gut near the emergency exit. Includes fourteen titles of stories all the same: a countertenor yearns for a tenor, but is seduced by a deep bass that leaves him in pieces. (And because I am poor, I am pianxer, sigh.)
The tag is hidden by a pile of catalogs. That's why I had missed.

The main library in the network of a European country in the case includes two different sections for "homosexuality" and "transsexuality", both grouped under "society and culture." "Homosexuality" is in turn divided into "male" and "female", and includes fiction and nonfiction in five different languages, for a total of 4802 titles.

I know, you can not compare a library to a bookstore internet.
But for that, you can not even compare the first country in the second.

When will we learn that what is good also helps the bee hive?

Games Online Where You Can Get Pregnant

The story of Simon's story Valentina Atzori

41anni Simona is a girl who was born with a serious malformation: do not have both arms.
Despite this, Simon has become a dancer and now performs in the best theaters in Italy (Padova will also perform in February). Simon, as well as dancing, she also learned to paint without using their hands and favorite subjects of his paintings are the hugs. In the episode, "Invincible" in the program while Italy1 she paints says: "The color is alive and it seems to give life to something." Within this episode, she tells her story and says the big question interesting that the children I have is: "If God gave you a wish you would like to get back in your arms? My answer was no, because one does not know how to use them and second because it makes no sense. "Then the announcer Mark Berry makes one question: "What are the moments that you feel most in need?" Simon replied: "I am the other to get in trouble, because I have my way I see, I'm positive, it happens that people look at me the poor face, maybe he does not say but you see, I smile at these people. "
" I thought sometimes that there are real limits on who is watching us, "a phrase taken from the book by Atzori Simona Candido Reedy "And call them disabled.
the question: "It 's been difficult to claim your special talent?" Simon said: "
E 'was difficult and simple at the same time. I can say that my secret was to always believe until the end and never stop dreaming until the others started to dream with me and actually took the place of my dreams. "

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Have A Nice Dream Lotus Juice Lyrics


E 'started a new sense the EAR, and also the sensory room waiting for us with new games. We started discovering the difference between SILENCE SOUND AND NOISE. We chose an object at random, found in class and we heard that noise produced by beating his hands on the floor etc.. Then with a wooden stick became the object of a drum, how much noise .... but bellooooo!

Here is the first orchestra: Lorenzo plays a jar, Willi dishes, and Antonio Denis of the pan lasagne.
Then we went hunting for noise in the hall, and found that the heater does not sound like the wall, and the buildings are different from the blackboard. To each his own noise .

And now armed with wooden spoons and go around the house (better if you do with your kids eh eh a) detecting noise that they do things. P: S: The teachers will take away any responsibility for any broken items including balls ....()

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Put Your Head In A Hairstyle


There are other stories like Locchi Valentina, 18, who is blind, has dug out the payout program Italia1 (Sarabande), having won over audiences that followed for weeks.
From the website of Valentina:
" I was small, baby ... So! Premature grave. The first fight was hard to stay alive. I've done some damage but the important thing, always, is to live. And then I say, live life! My childhood was beautiful thanks to the love and interest of those who were near me: my family, school, friends. The discovery of the world and the beautiful feelings it gives you: Water has always been the environment of freedom and relaxation, such exhilaration and liberation of the game of fantasy, play and dance as a journey in space intelligence, the school as conquest of infinite lightness. Find out with the others that have always guided me, led me to love so intensely la vita. "

Sunday, January 16, 2011

How To Fix Cigarette Lighter Receptacle


Saturday, January 15 we had the school open day and every class has something special:
In CLASS GREEN , we "spread" of chocolate, a good toast, and someone also did an encore!

In CLASS RED , we did an experiment, before we poured the water into the bottle with the funnel, then we put in a piece of colored paper, and we acted magic .....

In YELLOW CLASS We slipped the beads to make bracelets for boys but there were quite a medallion necklaces with

And finally in CLASS BLUE we built the maracas

We returned home happy and content (without toothache)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wolf Name And Cartoons

CEI Educational

Liceo Statale "Leonarda Cianciulli," pocket hours on a Wednesday in April of long ago. I sprawled on my desk with a tape of the Eagles in Walkman; Patitucci sitting in the chair with his legs dangling and staring into the dirty glass triple window. No one else in the courtroom. Reverberate in the hall in the footsteps of Bonsai, caretaker Sicilian suffering from dwarfism, which pushes a cart of cleaning up more of her. In the wake of
Heartache Tonight, I see your lips move very thin Patitucci.
Extension headphones. "Oh?"
"Come on in lobby. I'll buy you a coffee. "
And at a cafe I never say no. We move so
atrium desert, and position ourselves in front of the vending machine hot.
Patitucci it feels the pockets of jeans . "You have one hundred pounds * mica can borrow?"
While considering what his concept of "offer" is not in my hands him a coin.
He slips into the slot machine, select "coffee" and she wrung her hands, while the brownish brodame cola in plastic cups. "Look, a thing ..."
'Say. "
" But you will ever ...?»
"... after you've fucked ...?»
' .. '.
"... you drop your scrotum?"
half closes his eyes for a couple of seconds too, during which Patitucci takes the cup sip of coffee and begins to nervously. I take a mental note: Check the Zingarelli under 'offer', which apparently has at least one meaning of which I am not aware of. With that heart
explain the phenomenon he describes me usually occurs when I feel like asking questions put to me just now? From
fundamentally malevolent person that I am, angry and without coffee, mutter something about the alum rock and wraps, alcohol, casually dismissing the question.
Patitucci do not know if it is then taken up by the trauma, but at least had the good taste not to give me more coffee.

Now, after venthrmpf boo! years read that His Holiness has any objection to sex education in school. The problem, however, lies in the way in which you want to define this exciting field of study. I followed the first course in seventh grade, and since then every year until the examination of higher license, between the hours of religion and meetings with external specialists, I had such an overdose of training in the use of Buso, which still, only to hear words like "genital," "affection" and the like, react as the patients of the psychiatric clinic in Death Becomes Her when Helen Sharp announced that he would like to speak to Madeline Ashton.
Yet the good Patitucci, ** played at seventeen, I was asked if I used the testicles as bolas for hunting rhea. So obviously, yes, there really was something wrong with sex education programs in my time.

I believe that in the last years things have improved, and that the curricula do not provide more than a five-year course can be summarized in three magic words 'you'. I also trust that my peers have become parents themselves, have become resigned to the fact that adolescents are physically healthy, in fact, sexual intercourse, pleasing or not is the thing to mami and papi. But above all I hope that the teaching of this substance, when given by the priests, does not provide individual lessons for students younger than the age of consent.
In other words, Your Holiness, what emerged after several years in here, it might be advisable that the Church, for some time, avoided the topic "sex."

****************************************** *****************

* Yes, the coffee costs 100 pounds, and a packet of cigarettes 3200. Well?
** I know, this figure should quoting Rimbaud, not to appear too illiterate. But that beard!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Mount & Blade Units Tree Generator


enclose the site now that speaks of good intentions to the disabled, the law decrees and related laws, the obstacles : parking fee , sidewalks, public transportation , trains, and of ' EU than the degree in computer science and so on.
"Architectural barriers and disabilities are an inseparable unfortunately. Good words and intentions often sputter before a live sometimes uncivil: our society is a clear example of how lack of respect for each other is not far, even if the other person in question is a differently abled. These are the people who occupy the reserved parking, blocking the car slides, to build sidewalks to voice these different people, imprisoned, not free. I enclose some thoughts on the rights denied to disabled from living uncivilized:
year zero We really need to be addressed, to fight and to exterminate the atavistic indifference of those who are not considered on the right terms freedoms of others, who denied the right, a disabled, is forced to face everyday problems within and outside their homes, those who are forced to compete with a thousand dangers, the most insurmountable of which is their indifference shown by the rest of us normal people, most of who should just wait for the elimination of barriers, which, if they are great obstacles for the disabled, are regarded by others "stupid trouble."
This is because, after 20 years by the enactment of Law 13/89 which should have at least alleviate the insurmountable barriers scattered in our daily lives, we find ourselves in raising scandals, to denounce distortions, arrogance, indifference towards this issue.
Unfortunately, just look around to realize that we live in a "hostile city" to take note of how far the solution is also the most simple to the issue in question. Just take a peek at the work involved in the elimination of architectural barriers played in the city. An example of all the absurd way in reconstruction work in the various districts of the platform!
To whom to point the finger? Departments, politicians? In fact laws are there, but as often are not met . policy environment draws attention to the Decree of the Ministry of Public Works of 14 June 1989 defines architectural barriers all the physical obstacles source of discomfort for the mobility of anyone, especially those who have a reduced mobility. Nevertheless, it is difficult to know and understand the difficulties that a disabled person is forced to meet in town every day. Living a life of dignity, self-insured and see the most basic rights in terms of mobility is almost a mission impossible:
I personally think that there are other people better and worse and I think that man possesses that moral rules have not need to be encoded. What distinguishes one people from another, in my opinion, it is the habit respect, to think the individual simply as part of a collective reality. The problem is precisely this habit when I struggle to be generated spontaneously, when one thinks, for example, that blocking a passage for wheelchairs is not, after all, his problem or produce a false flag of disability does not indicate only a damage to those who, due to problems of mobility, need to find free parking under the house but it is not even an insult to the human being and his thinking. In all these cases and many others, the ability to respect the rules of civil society should be set, which is a bit 'horrifies but perhaps explains why less developed nations of our time today are at the forefront of spreading a model of civil society, in which to earn in the end they are all absolutely everyone.
Notebooks social publish a letter-diary of Alexander, a boy born with a genetic disease: the Duchenne muscular dystrophy that forces him to live on the wheelchair for the past sixteen years . Architectural barriers have become his prison
I would be autonomous, but instead depend on others. Every morning when I open my eyes, I think I will wait endless difficulties. Always the same now that I have learned to endure. But I think it would take very little to overcome disabilities to give us a decent life. I do not like to be transported, although my father bought a van equipped with platform spending more than 4 thousand euro. Sometimes I avoid eating ice cream, pasta or bread to avoid putting on weight otherwise struggle to pick him up. I go to the upper third of a vocational school in Rome, in the district Bufalotta. I chose this school because my house is 500 meters. The road that I did not walk the sidewalks and is full of holes, so I'm forced to walk in the street against traffic and I recognize that it is dangerous because some cars in turn may not see me sitting on the wheelchair. Fortunately, to accompany There is also my friend Andrea. Once in class, takes my coat, takes me to the counter and pulls me out of the books from the bag. Never leaves me. Do not go out hardly ever. It is impossible to drive around the city. The cars stop everywhere, especially in front of the slide of the platforms at pedestrian crossings. When I'm in the car with my father often can not park. The parking spaces for disabled people are always occupied by other cars without permission. This is not a sign of civilization. The idea of \u200b\u200btaking public transport me anxiety. Almost everyone has broken the pedal.
But Alexander is not the only one to be a prisoner of urban obstacles. With him there's Richard, left on foot from the train to Milan. Mauvapelt tells us his story:
Two weeks ago I was on duty and I asked my mom to go to the station to book a return trip to Milan, I wanted to go see some shows d ' art. If you are disabled you have to book the train at least two days before, one of the many privations of freedom of movement. And at the counter what was the response? "Trenitalia does not perform any more service for disabled customers on the Turin-Milan, with the exception of those who can walk just enough to get seats inside, because in most of cases, the wheelchairs are wider than the door of the compartments.
Anyway, it is true even in the station in Rovigo no means: runs or lifts for people with disabilities. Even for those who use crutches, raising / lowering the train is very difficult. "We're not a year zero" in 2011 and we all stations, all trains, all cities must be equipped!

Transportation inaccessible, inadequate facilities, incivility of the people are forced to make different items that people with disabilities. It is not a question of wheelchair, but mentally, it is a social sin, a cultural problem. Disablog reports the results of a survey prepared by UILDM in Udine. At present the conditions of accessibility would be the worst business:
At 169 bar, then in the city - says the vice provincial innocents Chiandetti - only two bathrooms were wheelchair accessible. Since then, apart from the number of outlets, not much has changed. And the situation does not improve in restaurants and in a big chunk of stores. The result? Many people - continues Chiandetti - withdrawn to leave, unless you do it in time quota. " Despite having made great progress in terms of pedestrian traffic, with the adjustment of traffic lights and sidewalks, according to the UILDM, there is still much to be done. "To begin with - says Chiandetti - from the public toilets in part that under the Loggia del Lionello, which has a treadmill, all the others, from the bathroom to that of the Victory Boulevard bus station, are not accessible."
Among the most interesting, is that proposed by Google which provides scholarships worth € 7,000 granted to people with physical or mental who are earning a degree or a master / doctorate in computer inside the 'European Union , job.fanpage speaks of it:
You need not be citizens of the Union, the important is that the studies are acquired within the Community. Entry to ' universities must be for the 2010/2011 academic year for the last year of degree, but if you are already in possession of the title requires a subscription to a master or PhD for the same academic year. The degree must be achieved in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Computer Science or a closely similar field of study. The winners of the scholarship will then be invited in June to Google Engineering Centre in Zurich for a holiday paid when attending workshops and seminars with industry experts. The company does not want fans in computer talents remain hidden because of their disabilities, and then gives them the opportunity to share their passions with professionals and students.
Ethics and tourism speaks instead of the initiative of the Association rights in non-profit organization that has submitted a draft international free entry for the certification of Corporate Social Responsibility, "SPONSOR OF RIGHTS - support accessible events only"
Project aims to create an international network of companies which, through the signing of a memorandum of understanding, agree to grant contributions / sponsorships only to events which do not limit accessibility and, therefore, we are also accessible for those with problems engines (disabled, elderly or injured simple) and moms with babies in strollers. By signing the application form the member agrees to insert a clause in the award of its sponsorships / contributions which shows that the initiative must be implemented without architectural barriers in return, the member will get free use of "quality stamp "and the inclusion of his name on the blog and on the website throughout the period of validity of the protocol 'Understanding.