Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Rectal Pain With Menses

Ruit Hora

One of the criteria are subject to greater variation in the statistics on the consumption of books is what he calls "strong player." For some it is the one that flows more heavily than six books a year, for others it is who gives a ten or more fans. Who does not exclude that these findings can - in a not too distant future - to establish the category of "obsessive-compulsive disorder" for those over fifty books a year, and "serial killer" for someone like me, past i. .. No, I shall conceal the number. In spite of appearances, I know the feeling of shame.

Each dawn of stelloncino declaring, in millennial tones, that tot% degl'insubri six grandchildren law books and other nisba year, I hear endless lamentations rise - complete with little hand clinging to the curtain, as Francesca Bertini - on progressive culture and barbarism blablabla, but generally these lamentations leave me indifferent, for several reasons.

The first is that this mournful lamentations normally comes from a former professor of letters of the name Adriana Miche, which gave a dilemma for child myself, and do not wish 'to say the consequences.
The second is that the data on the reading are insignificant in many respects. First, because other is flipping through a book, another is reading it, more and understand the contents, in the second instance because what we read is not only from books (there are also periodicals, blog, and abundant signs of the explanatory botanical gardens or museums) and finally, because the number of readings is silent on their quality, since the books (also discover the hot water) are not all equal - in that one might ask, however, who can claim the right to decide which of these the settling on a cultural level more or less, and the first one that says, "Teachers," is in the odor of spanking, man warned.

then remain to be considered two irrepressible metric: the time and the euro.
A poor passing fifty-four hours per week to be filled with insults in a call center to set aside money for a second pair of pants, come home as prostrate before Ubertino Casale Amicta the Virgo Sun, is unlikely to have wanted to ignore the laundry, the kitchen hygiene and dangerous enemies lurking in the tiles, to pounce on Tahafut at-Tahafut in original language.
Not to mention that the reader may also have a love life. Well, my days are more staid of an encyclical, barely pulling evening, finally m'infilo under the covers with a little man, and this ... begins to read a book? ("Sorry, dear ... can you read turned on its side? Here, shot in there ... so, as a good ..." Zac!)
In a nutshell, read coast, and in terms of time, and monetary terms. And ten books a year are more than many can afford.

This forces us to make a selection his meticulously. I myself, while insatiable thresher texts, I have to constantly keep in mind that the time to reserve Melville is likely to be removed from the Blixen, and that if they dedicate themselves to classical risk never having the chance to discover that, say, Someday This Pain Will Be Useful to You is a great romance. This, in addition to making the extremely rare opportunity to take back a book already read before (Yeah, there are several that are revisited again and again!), Also involves the inability to grant a purchase sight unseen and the need efficient allocation of time reading between the texts that "must" for not having read the figure of the peasant Friulian (hey, but ... they are!), but those who mistreat the intellectuals who still teach me something and come to be my personal culture, and those who do not give me anything except the sheer pleasure.
And the latter, alas, often have to go in the cavalry, just because I do not have time.
Die Herren Grauen won.


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