Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Perimenopause Phantom Period

Gam ze yaavor

So .

I pay taxes. Few, because being visibly fennel can not aspire to a profession that provides me with an income that any civilized country would call decent, but I pay. Of what
negl'insaziabili pockets annually to the tax authorities, I do not back a blessed stone, because in my country does not work practically nothing - Apart from the bunga bunga - but pay anyway.
Who represents me in parliament (salaried with my money!) Does not allow me to decide who to marry, whom to entrust my health, my (almost non-existent) savings, or to defend myself from abuse, from abuse and maltreatment moral and physical which I and my colleagues are constantly exposed, but I still pay taxes.
Not having taken a wife nor procreated for the fun of playing with the family, I have poured into state coffers, an amount almost three times that paid by a loving husband who has received the same income, which - naturally - makes me travel balls, especially as the undersigned Unlike the aforementioned husband, has no one to share the costs. Nevertheless, I have paid taxes - nearly triple, I repeat - thus contributing to the safeguarding of children ... others. But I paid, Blessed be the Name! I have paid.

And now ... trac. The tax on the ass. The last of the daily utterances
discriminate against any ethnic minority, religious or sexual violence by those who are paid - with my money! my employee! - To represent me. The last until tomorrow, because every single day we hear one. And yet
Jan has the courage to tell me that "we must resist" that "everything will be fine." It'll

okay, sure.
It's the same thing you said in 1938 in Berlin.


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