Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Pirates Of The Caribbean Tabs


You know that place, that Friuli
that touches only the wind, which is a perfume!
From it falls over your dark

flute, the sweet lump
blacks and purples, and expands it
iridescent bitumen

on your Christs nailed between layers of light
landslide from transects of Aquileia ,
and emerging from it, reverberating in the warm evenings

white or cream in the mornings channels,
fishermen are your green vigils,

which reddens the crude wrinkles salt, or youth
Nereggia laborers on the slopes of the ferry

leaning against the handlebars, tired,
burned, while the night is already being announced
in the sad town with lights and songs.

And today, I Pauli thirty-five years without Pieri.


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