Monday, November 29, 2010

Milena Velba 29 Dec 2009

Merlino vs Maga Magò

When I still had time to leave the house, the lights were to announce the coming of quell'esecrata festaccia People who do not even want to name.
This year, I lost sight of the calendar, and when the black messenger rang at my door, took me completely by surprise. He, on the other hand, had to be well prepared for the worst, because when I opened the door, did not have the usual surge of terror.
The man in front of me was in fact Abortion father, the priest who celebrated the wedding of my beautiful little brother.

the wings: "Oh! Good day! "
Abortion father: "Good morning," the ale
: «...»
father Abortion: "Oh ... Yh ... blessing. "
the wings: "The harm will not be. Sit down. " Abortion
father: "Well, all right?"
the wings: "Yes." (No.)
father Abortion: "Um ... How long has the beard? "
the wings:" Uhm ... twenty years? "Abortion
father '?"
the wings: "You know, at a certain age the gonads descend, e. .."
father Abortion: «...»
its wings " Blessing said? "
father Abortion:" Euh ... yes here. If you feel like saying a Hail Mary? "
the wings: (sigh) " Ave Maria ... "Abortion
father:" ... full of grace ... "
the wings:" No Excuse me, you turn to Our Lady in vulgar? "
father Abortion," D. .. Dominus tecum ... "
the wings:" ... Blessed you ... " (I saw you, I saw you, you smile!)
Abortion father:" ... pctrbsnctnora mortis nostrae. Amen.
the wings: "Amen." Abortion
father, "until the last Philologist."
the wings, "And beyond." (I should not smile too, I should not laugh!)
father Abortion: (sprinkling of holy water entry) "SignorebenediiiIIIIHHH!"
the wings: "Um ... calm down, father, only my cat. " Abortion
father: "Oh, yes, of course. Signorebndcqstcs ... "
the wings," seee, seee ... "

His blessing did not work. I'm still gay.
Moreover, he is still a priest.
So, evidently, did not work nor mine.


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