Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Is It Normal To Be Wet Before Periods

I HAVE A (mini) PONY.

YEAH, fuckyeah i have one little peluche of a Pony, i love cute and adorable things!
Btw, today in little time i have bought somethings, for me and my next secret cosplay, holy shit -18.

Let's see!

I bought:
white gloves
pink pastel and trasparent nail polish
some stuff for my handmade costume, gold trimming

pink cute adorable minipony with chocolate eggs

Some details!

And I'm proud 'cause i have to make one beautiful manicure me!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

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.... ❤

I love you.

Every night is always the best, I always rediscover in this magical aura, which is falling in love, and I fell in love with you.

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Little Women grow up here ... NOEMI who turned 4 years. Happy Birthday!

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La Lucia di label smort

The sweet sound ...
... I was struck by his vooo
and that voice ...
m'è ... in my heart ... disceee
Edgardo ...
mmèeerdah ... that name! Your mother was certainly
Ah haaa

How I love my baritone voice corrupted by tobacco, at eight o'clock in the morning, with the reverberation of the tiles of the toilet.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

How Much Wood Will A Smoker Use

Il piedino di Cenerentola

I reflected on this outburst took place yesterday at the Kranes Konditor (the blog of EncreNoire).
I would first like to make known that EncreNoire is arguably the most streamlined sbudregona portrayed in the photograph of her published, and - for the avoidance of doubt - that the fat lady in question is not me.
Another premise is as follows: males are of mozzarella (and I say this advisedly, I am returning in the same category), and my favorite friend is right to sell.

That said, I wish to demonstrate that women are not the only victims of the slippery slope that we took.
cute I have a colleague, a true gentleman, educated and quite handsome. But poor in the barrel, and never a woman who expressed interest in him. What we need infer? Our common
colleagues defend the fairer sex by saying that "there is nothing wrong to seek a man with a modicum of stability," and do not have a point. At this point, however, why not add that there is nothing wrong with not even a man looking for a woman with a minimum of ... leanness', if that's what interests them.
I, however, I defend both sexes, and I think that my colleague, simply, you have come across women in poor, in the same way EncreNoire (along with legions of other women) came across unsuitable men.

EncreNoire points out, and for good reason, the media. But the media do nothing but repeat a refrain existing since prehistoric times, which requires a mindset far worse than the thin woman, that of beautiful young woman maintained by a rich man. Propinatoci model since childhood, because already in the fairy tales and folk tales. The absolute sovereignty of the male heterosexual wealthy and powerful it is administered as a drug with cod liver oil and fluoride rinses, transfusing the notion that, if we can not be wealthy men or beautiful women, we are losers *. (Indeed, the "losers" as they say nowadays, with a repulsive loser calculated on English.)

The same model, however, there has ** also inculcated the belief that happy marriage was necessarily beatified by eternal passion of love. But why?
If we are interested in finding a / a partner who meets certain financial requirements or aesthetic, it is our right to seek full /-a, pitiful excuses without affection, without guilt, and above all without feeling the infamous troioni.

course, if we talk about feelings, then it is quite another matter.
There are men who fall in love with women obese or frail, innocent or vicious, educated or uneducated, and there are women who fall in love with wealthy men or uprooted, or simple-minded villains, courteous or peasants. There
people who fall in love with people.
And may God have mercy on their souls.

************************************************ ***********

* Interesting to note that homosexual males have both made their charges, and added a third: if we can not be beautiful, rich and unexpected, we are losers ... even in the eyes of other homosexuals. Which explains why, rather than help each other, we spend our days in inventing new and unusual tricks to put another spoke in the wheels. This, in turn, explains why politically, we have the same view of a prostitute in a country of eunuchs.
** For once, it's not a typo.

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write with my eyes closed so the tears do not fall

not all in life we \u200b\u200bcome to a dead end, where nothing makes sense, where no matter what, where are you even in your room too.
I would be in the rain, I would be one of those commonplace things for the rain to get wet, I cry along with the rain so that she can hide all my tears in the shower that I do not forgive.
songs and words set to an alarm clock, photo journaling, memories in the air, too.

you get to that point where, being alone .. is the best choice.

These words do not feel, go away, go away from my life.
Go Away, and then comes back.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Baby Shower Money Tree Poem

shopping it's a good thing anyway

Today Some lovely things I bought in a shop near my city with my daddy!
Click on the photos, go go go.

I bought one white hoodie of Adidas with a cool stamp, aquamarine nail polish (like Miku Hatsune), pastel lingerie (love it ), one book called "Searching Alaska" and one key.
I'm in love with them, now i have a collection of 4 keys (+one couple).

Some details!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Withdrawal Length From Rivotril

Feelin 'sad: (

I wonder if he stays up until 2 a.m. thinking about me.
I wonder if when he hears a certain song he thinks about me.
I wonder if he think about things to say to me every morning.
I wonder if when he feels sad he thinks about my smile.
I wonder if when he sees me he thinks "Wow, she's beautiful".
I wonder if he thinks about me befor he goes to sleep.
I wonder if song lyrics remind him of me.
I wonder if he looks at me when i'm not looking at him.
Probably not.

And i fucking miss you.
All day, everyday.
And you can't even imagine,
'cause i don't even know if you
miss me back.

I need you now.

Monday, March 14, 2011

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あなた の 声

your voice you are feeling the clearly heard and I exist that , it is last day as if it were you
I love the glass from you will love watching
to see only your love The growing

09 December 2010

I heard your voice reveal me your feelings
and I love you as if today were the last day that I exist
I will love watching you from a glass
Just to
see that your love grows
up with me.

Poptropica Greek Gods

So Passes Dene Thor, son of Ecthelion.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Com'è know in Giappone la

I do not feel it coming.
I've never succeeded.
not notice the forest and our animals, the rest of us do not. For us it is normal that the earth, from time to time, falter, and we realize it only when the noise occurs. That noise, a black diamond that has no name in our languages, the voice of ' Orcolat .
And our grandmothers did not cry, no, we are thrown into small children to move towards the corners the room, away from the center, away from the stairs. Far, far away from the stairs! (Shir hamaalot .) We cover their heads with a shawl and waddle, waddle along with the house, country, everything. The small country rocks under the shawl her grandmother.
What next? After
, nothing. What May 6 was no longer seven. Jackals are plenty in the rubble. Journalists moving the dead, our dead, to include a greater amount in the frame. Menie was seven years old, lay in the arts alongside Nute and Stiefin - posture desperate, I would recommend - also used the lightning, now the blood is coagulated, not a reflex. Mr does not miss the tasty opportunity to exploit our dead for political purposes. The high priest wants two billion to say Mass in the cathedral, will be restored as soon as this (we lost it all, we sleep in the beautiful star, but you have to rebuild the churches and pray to the Lord.)
What next?
Then start again. With silent trowels. We

has done so.
And you, the Land of the Rising Sun?
You know, you, your dead, here, used to sell bags?

Saturday, March 12, 2011

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're the only one who can make me cry in the night re-reading of the memoirs.

Where are you, and i'm so sorry.
I can not sleep, i can not dream tonight.
I need somebody and always ..

And everytime i try to fly, I fall without my wings
'cause i need you, baby.

I told you that tonight I would not have stayed. See you tomorrow.

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and it ends with a smile.

I finished all the preparations for this damn Cartoomics, finally, at 12 o'clock opening. It 's the first time that I'm really excited for the fair, I never have been, but I think of all the friends you meet and I feel damn good.

Meanwhile, let a laugh, is 3 days I see it repeatedly.
Have a good weekend!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Green Wax Before After


Grand Carnival Parade today, and we dressed band with instruments made by us, we went around the neighborhood. Before us was a real suonatrice, with the flute. E 'was great Here is our cap

And our drums ...

W CARNIVAL!! And thanks to all those who marched with us!

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March 9 ...... And Andrea does

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Walkin Blood Test Laboratory Toronto

3 Months are for lovers.

Today, as they say, are we celebrating? Yes, we celebrate three months together, that seem to nothing, but are - in their small - many of them.
your smile, your face, your manners and your hands have not changed since December 23, I have always considered something untouchable and instead had only the appearance of my little birthday present.
All I have to tell you, sometimes you know, sometimes not, but because I can not find the words.
Being with you makes me suffer thousands of situations good and bad different, like a rainbow of colors and with many facets not only red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
In our report there are only seven colors, there are millions, we have collected only a few hours.
Love, I would end up collecting these colors, with you, and nobody else.

We still have many ways to understand one another and that many opportunities to be happy together. Because nobody makes me happy more than you.
We will be happy, we will be sad, we are saddened, we are disappointed, we will be together, we will.

Here I never wrote, but you always knew you, I love you.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Allterrain Tires For Avalanche


Laucello The teacher came to our school for a wonderful afternoon of music. They showed us their musical instruments and sang songs with their accompanying

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Happy Birthday to L0ris that takes 4 years!

Cough Between Shoulder Blades

# and thanks so much love lost

Left: Luca Adaman - Right: Me in cosplay of Ciel

I have to say "thank you" to one person who's more comprehensive and funny.
He's a beautiful person who i search in every contest or manga comic-convention.
He's my favourite photographer, he always makes me beautiful photos and  if I say "thanks", I must say thanks - only - to him.
He always makes me feel happy 'cause it's funny be togheter and makes photos, it' s a pleasure work with someone like him.
Thank you Luca, or should I say: THANK YOU ADAMAN ?

And today, my friends Luca or "Nao" came to my house!
We had a great time toghether and i have Makeda Some photos of HIM in cosplay of "Alois trancy! He's really cute!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Put Your Head In A Different Hairstyle


For the hell of reason I can not really export anything I feel for you?

I hate myself.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Ringworm On Testicles

in hell 'cause lovecom tells true.

I'm only waiting my Otani, next week He will be mine finally ~!

On the way back, the park seems reserved for us
I look at you, because you're always in a good mood

I'm listening "If the world were destroyed tomorrow, what would you do?" You
not say anything
But hold strong my arm
Hey, turn this way
Our lips are so close , my heart beats

No matter who you are, no matter when, you accept
Even when you're hurt and cry
Even if I had to fight with the whole world will protect you
"I love you" does not need to be expressed in words
Your last kiss is always with me.

Ending of LoveCom.

Indigo Snake For Sale?

Del tradurre - use

Il. .. The Judgement of Paris?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Big Boobs Of Indian Actress


we made some music and we have mobiles hanging above the tables in the classroom.
This was built with so many sticks we gathered in the garden and then painted. He has a sweet sound
This tool is instead made from the leaves of the magnolia, are very strong and when they move rustle ...

And here are the shells, the first holes and then hung up, their sound is shrill

The most beautiful of all is done with the keys, simple iron keys, shaking them seems to play the harp

With nuts we have built the castanets

Why Do We Pay National Insurance?

Today we saw the city 'is the flower, and Gianni Salvatore greeted us why statol'ultimo show is