Thursday, December 27, 2007

Frozen Yogurt Market What's The Next Pinkberry?

Storm: the Opus Dei against sexual perversions are not technologically

interview with the Catholic newspaper online Petrus

Storm: the Opus Dei against sexual perversion

"Profession of Faith" debated the animator Treviso: "Never was gay. I admire Binetti "

MILANO" No cross, my only a moral duty. Veltroni? I do not share his ethical relativism, but I respect his ideas. " God is everywhere, in the face of men, in the smile of a child, even in a homosexual. But from here to make it a source of pride, there runs. " He says today Piero Strada. Few months to twenty years', a history of performances and become immortal provocation, the facilitator tells his soul Treviso today, covering faith, religion and God that ignores those gay left, willy-nilly for years have considered it one of their banners. Even if he does not think so, although repeatedly confirmed that he had "always voted Communist Party, then Olive Tree."

"I'm not never been either gay, or male prostitute, or HIV-positive " said in an interview with the Catholic newspaper online Petrus. Indeed "dismantle this legend, if I performed in events of certain lobbies gay is because they are convinced that in order to combat certain deviations and depravity, we must have the courage to get their hands dirty, get to know them more in crude reality and immerse themselves in them . I do not think this is a Catholic because I can dispense with a moral duty only for fear of what people may think.. " Not only that. Storm proves to be a devotee of Paola Binetti. Do you feel close to the teacher for his logic of work, said: "I I believe in the pursuit of beauty, holiness and mystical work, then it means that sanctify themselves through their profession, "and also Paola Binetti" does not work as an idol, but said that any activity should be done with care, professionalism and dedication. So there is sanctified and sanctifying work in jobs': discussissimo what the protagonist of "Take My Belt", as well as entertainer of the most turbulent poz-European parties try to do every day of its existence, opposing "all forms of atheism and secularism, phenomena that humiliate unfortunately our time. "

"I barebacker and HIV positive? But not at all. Should not pretend that I do own propaganda to condoms, though. "" They are simply and genuinely aligned with the moral principles of the Roman Church "confirms Storm:" The Church is one of the largest operators of health care in the world. It 'been shown that the widespread distribution of condoms and educational programs aimed at so-called safe sex is counterproductive, that foment a greater spread of HIV. "And a little' bitterly added:" Of course, if now becomes prohibited also uphold the values \u200b\u200band each of its Christian roots, I am not surprised that some positions may become uncomfortable in bad faith, the inspiration for those who want to become vile slander and make a trap for fools'

Profession of faith unexpected from someone like him , always a bit 'counter. But Piero Strada is a deep believer. Go to church, refuses abortion ("Life must be defended always'), seeks God (" The search for the divine transcendence and are part of human nature. ") Last month it was screwed into an orgy of birthday, but it was only to better immerse themselves in the harsh reality: "the level of commitment is so high as to escape those minds who are looking for in today's world, only the insult. " A few years earlier, in similar circumstances, it was screwed together by a bunch of niggers and porn actor in Berlin: "It's not about skin color, but dick size. Both teach us that no longer has a reason / claim that religion and ideology will be mixed in the problems / accurate as the time for the trains. "

Friday, November 2, 2007

Blackberry India Prepaid


Really ...

computationally speaking, proudly belong to the ranks of the "dinosaurs" who came up with Apple] [, VIC20 (I ZX Spectrum), Amiga (I Atari 1040), etc.. Those who "have passed to DOS 3 !!!!". What then if the bones are made on Unix, Unix and always have "learned the Internet," at a time when ordinary mortals were "Oooooohhhh 'to Win 3:11 without even the TCP / IP - Internet and not even knew existed .

Ok, for a change are not "aligned" either technologically speaking - but that's just politics. I reiterate the point: "Fuck if they are technological."

Who would expect that my study is still in style StarTrek perhaps disappointed - except that a "study" I have it but do not use it more because I use the living room or bedroom - apart from that I told my computers they look very, very "Vintage" to want to be stylish.

What the fuck - they are, vintage appearance. Certainly not in the internal components, or in software (when it makes sense to update it) but I really like the look of my machines is and remains that of 10 years ago.

short, senzaltro more "den of Neo" in the first Matrix, which aseptic Enterprise console - including welded wire, and peripherals, "gutted" with a view components, etc.. But

so I like it. I like my stuff is up to date "within", I like to use the technology, and I do not like to serve me: that technology, or fashion or whatever.

... Oh well - where you go to block with that?

... In reality we can ward off where we want - it's easy to shoot in the pile - But I'll take aim at the TV instead.

NB not "television" - that can not stand more, if only I looked - except few exceptions not worth mentioning.

No no, just say "the television". The box - or rather the "panel" - now.

I state now that I am remaining two, which are both cathode ça va sans dire. But I do not speak of my television .... then:

I go to friends - no matter who, by now, except Mittler - CRT himself, whoever he is.

MEEEEEEEEEEGApannellone plasma on the wall - or a bit less appenaapppena mega-LCD, which dominates the living room. Or "small" LCD which is in the kitchen, but cmq LCD.

with screens to 16:9, of course: so, first disgust

a. I am already expressed how much I appreciate the content on television - but be that as it may, if I find myself looking at them - at least I can see them in normal proportions? And / or present a full picture?

But that vulgarity - of course ke no. We have the 16:9 - and sure as death, holding it in Landscape mode or PAN - with the result that I have to see Abigail "Abby" Sciuto of NCIS or face resembling dilated soralella, or even as DarkLady "normal" - but without the part above and below the picture.

What is 4:3, the Abby, fuck!

And that we have 4:3 mode, sti futuristic panels: but then of course the black bars on either side fan (and who cares ?)... Well it seems that for people of 16:9 this is blasphemy.

Ok, according to disgust:

b. The plasma "is printed." You'll understand
ke news - so do the cathode, does any screen .. you also that of the ATM, that while the use continues to offer the sad experience of its phosphor screen with the "printed there? Well is the same.

Technically speaking, is what is called "Retention" ("retention" no, that does not end). And the time was due to the cathode ray phosphors tropppo burned by the long persistence of the exact same image.

Well? "Well" - whether with phosphors it took their good years, with no plasma - very few months, and Plaff, the logos of various issuers will remain flat-spotted there. Oh is reversible, of course - but it takes months of inactivity.

But please, perp. This is the TECHNOLOGY that I abhor, I do not want and that you never want to.

But someone tells me what the fuck do I want to see Emilio Fede in HD, if then - and I quote from a complaint from a user's Pioneer - "I have to change channels frequently, even if I'm following a program that I like?? ?

But piacereeeeee!

There would also be said of the iPhone and UMTS, but on this I go back again.

PS: thanks "Anonymous:)

Monday, October 22, 2007

Blood Transfusions Low Hemoglobin Blog

YouTube strikes again, that is: Do you think social software can change the world? Politically Correct

(the question of the title is taken from Yahoo - my response is" Fuck yes. For the worse ").

Ok, I do not know whether to leave the previous post neankio or box (yes, I mean the end when Scazzi).

juice: When YT was not powered by Google, there really is anything goes. No - not attack the usual nostalgic old story of the beautiful as we were when we were poor - but obviously I can not but take note .

E NB, Google still be cmq all my sympathies. Ok said: YT benki then anything but it was not so poor "corporate", ergo it was all over and no one batting an eyelid.

Of course, Google no - and I understand: street porn (but on what we come back up), and via the copyrighted stuff. Actually here already understand a bit 'less, because you can post ke mica entire operation, but only short clips - and even a watchable quality but not afraid to put the originals. But


Càapta I have a couple of television Milva - including unmatched Lili Marlene: known by very few, apart from rest of us good fags Italy - but for that very sec. me worthy of disclosure. And

place. And incidentally I beak anke unexpected series of "thank you" - but by many, really.

Well, my dear, I have broken the copyright - YT is going down with scissors, and warns me: I saw the next.

Evabbè - I had already taken the best of what I had in my list of links from other. But

continue. Capita ke Abredoskoi had sent me the cute shorts - cartoons and stuff. Funny, none of that: and then I was like to post.

Honestly, I had not even raised the issue of fucking Copy - god that all the buggers .. but it there was.

... I have already realized: no scissors this time, but down by cleaver ax: (

Account closed. Ok little damage and amen - you certainly live without it, and then the new account is already open. But therein lies the point.

1. I can not show the pea NEAC Moscow, because I've got porn
2. I can not put the Milva, because it is not porn, but it is a protected species.
3. I can not put the comics Abredskoi, because otherwise bankrupt Sony

... Shit.
Sfiga wants ke are teetotal - and so I can not even post while drunk driving in the wrong direction.

Sfiga ke maybe they want a little 'do drugs - but only when I do - and in order to taste - then idem cs: nn admitted and granted ke in those situations I think YT - well I'm the porn already said so.

Sfiga ke wants the middle school and high school I ended up on the mo - ergo I did not even teachers from harassment.

Sfiga wants ke are 100% non-racist and non-violent, and the idea of \u200b\u200btaking a boy on bricks Down in the balls or Roma I generates the most total disgust.

Actually a penchant for fags I have it, but once again wants to k and Misfortune among the (few) things that bore me there is the SM - ergo nothing - not even here there are, nothing cruel violence to post.

... Moral of the story - which gets 2:

1. Apparently, porn is a pea, and also disturbs the minds of adolescents. Posting the same ke fan damage depleted drunk in the streets - or chessoio, who mock and / or beat a child, but no. Oh, maybe then he needs to strip audience gives us a scoop and then intervenes Magstrato - me, the fact remains that for YT is ok.

2. I like Youtube, I also downloaded the spot Spear of Carla Bruni.

But no thanks - I think I have nothing more to post myself.