Thursday, November 23, 2006

Bobby Jack Themed Birthday Party

Light a candle

[In Inglese below]
I approve this message, and I hope you do too: and if you want to forward it to your friends, you are welcome. The

dicemre 1 is World AIDS Day. We know many people, we think, but then we think, "but I what can I do?"

Well many things, if you want, but in particular there is one that will require just a moment, and just a click of the mouse: the Bristol Meyers Squibb will donate $ 1 for each person who will go on their site (free) and light (for free) a virtual candle - up to a maximum of 100 thousand dollars.

iclick are currently over 16 thousand, and there is still room for you, if you wish. The link is this:
https: / /

... Thanks for spreading the light. Piero.

I support this message and Hope that you will also. Please forward this email to as many people as you know.

As World AIDS Day Approaches (Dec. 1), we are reminded That millions of Our people need help with the AIDS pandemic, But Often we think, “What can I do?”

Here is one simple way you can help, and it costs you nothing but a moment and a mouse click…

Bristol Myers Squibb will donate $1 for every person who goes to their web site and lights a candle to fight AIDS, up to a max of $100,000 (chump change for them, but we’ll take it).

At this point, the counter is just over 16,000… so we need many more candles lit.Please go to this link to light a candle… and help spread the light.



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