Friday, November 4, 2005

What Kind Of Weave Did Boots From Flav Of Love

E 'I had a stiff neck,

Celentano me but I never liked it.

And least of all I like today was and is priestly, and was gassed, he was a Catholic and for me, was and is also abysmal ignorance - of those "genetic" and play to make it a flag - if not crown a "King", has never governed.

say "is good" boh, I do not know, I should know better to speak my mind about - but this is not the subject of dispute: I say that I always been on the Maroni, who is very different: I make a (my) problem east / ethical, not technical. But let's move on. From

aristofrocio good, obviously I was not sure of encountering in its program - are too snobbish about these things, let alone after the shoot antiberlusca, dad-rock and slow-zapatero, which, although not seen, I obviously could escape. Obbastalà, I said to myself, Trojan horses are a classic that always works: I'll knock a man ke Berlusconi attacks RAI on the front page, turning the 'event' (?? But joking, right?) In a test of adamantine freedom, and Zac - sneaking, since ke is so cool to shoot up by Berlusconi Public Service, I'll knock et beyond free love of a beautiful paean to the pope and its homophobia - automatically cleared by any critical approach: "if he shoots at Berlusca, it's cool, and if he's cool, so is the rest of anke what he says." S useless indeed cool - is "rock" .. Ugh.

Not only that but pay 2 get one ... included in the bill we put on my well-Grillini Boccalone that squeaks "offended" - without thinking (probably) anke that while he endorses the views of the image of Celentano. Oggesù.

But I insist it was for this reason, I would not be here to write, now, the fact is that I had a stiff neck.

And then I had slingshots to bed early, well impastigliato, and so painful as to pass in the second-ke made the TV room was lit up Rockpolitik. I remember I once had barely had time to think, "But you see, we got to the point that Celentano is' transgressive'...", and then I fell asleep.

to wake up then at some point: just as painful, but a total surprise: I saw Patti Smith, and sang "Because the Night." "My" Because the Night, and not, more simply, the initials of Enrico Ghezzi.

thin as ever, as more segnatissima could not. E 'survivor, fuck jeans blacks in boots, cut jacket for men. Sing sing today as 30 years ago, (I) gives the same thrill. I feel

already pardoned - na stuff gives me at least a quarter .. x sap but no, not enough in the end we also puts the words of Pasolini on TV and the oppressed.

I wonder if I was really limited to just take some painkillers, but it really is so: they are not drugged, I'm malebestia, I wake in the night with the scheduled Celentano, and there 'Patti Smith.

Ok, then spoke ill of Bush and America today - I agree, love .. x + but this is already normal. Celentanesco, I mean. Like instead of making the event more to his way of talking and smiling - almost as a child ... Azz, Patti Smith laughs.

I feel silly, I think of those who know me from the profiles web, fuck with me and then they wonder "but you're a softie." Macchebello that beautiful cock.

Then there's' door-to-door, Berinotti, La Russa (= rock), the sfigaterrima Elisabettagardini (lentaaaaaaa!!:)

Okok .. I can go back to sleep. Exaggerating when I add "happy"? no, not exaggerating.
