Friday, December 2, 2005

Alternator Chevy S10 Blueprint

Fight AIDS @ Home

.. I quote from "La Repubblica" on December 1, 2005:

" AIDS, today the World Day
Pope calls for chastity

From Africa to China, from Europe to 'America, the whole world is mobilized today to urge more determined action in the fight against HIV. Intervention of the Pope: "Against the disease work continence and loyalty. "Italy announces new funding for vaccine research, India calls for less shame in talking about safe sex. "

I refrain from comments - but I'm telling my I: from barebacker unrepentant and also HIV + ... but fuck, I seem to have far more rights than many other charlatans.

E "because that" I like extreme things, I also choose a topic not easy to explain, though obviously of my comfort zone ... is called "Fight AIDS at home", meaning "Fight AIDS at home."

Here it is:

Ok, now I pretend to read me, talking of scientific research, distributed computing, and so on ... Mission Impossible ....

Well, almost. Let's do this - if someone is so far still reading: quote here a semi-playful exchanged emails today with my friend and see if functional. Have you ever seen ... Good reading.

> that you're the computer expert ... I found the "complaint" on Dudesnude, but what's that? can really help anything?
> I know you're a bit 'bareback, but given the climate, it is not a good time for goldoni wool?
> kisses a bit 'Gelindo, Brex.

Hello dear.

What you are referring to you is a "thing" ke: 1. is serious, 2. existed for many years 3. from the purely technical work.

"Grid computing" does not mean putting a PC on the grill, but rather put on a grid of PC ... in Italian is called distributed computing power, and is used primarily just type stuff in molecular research, which requires billions of applying mathematical models of molecules, etc etc. To do that

population 'of calculations we need a (10, 100, 1000 ....) mega-computer - and as you know, if x war purposes, no problem - but the scientific research ... x mica we want to throw taxpayers' money, right? (

And then follows a different approach - again, technically sound - and the nature exquisitely no-profit/solidale:

Given that the many billions of PCs that they stay on all day, usually for most of their time do nothing, is installed in each of them a small programmetto obviously put on the net with his fellows and with the / l / computer the "father."

programmetto Each is made in such a way that remains inert and does not break the bales when the user is using the PC while working alone (like a screen saver, make the idea of \u200b\u200bx), in the downtime.

And in those down times, instead of displaying the flags at Microsoft, cocks blacks or whatever, he makes his boring and endless calculations on the part of "tasks" that have been assigned: it ends up as one, calling home and shoot the results, then get him another, and so on.

In this way - in a time scale obviously not immediate - the computer "father" came the various processed data, and the cabin goes on: it is a bit 'the concept of the elephant eaten with a spoon, in fact.

Time: kiedi me if you can really serve some purpose. The answer is a formidable, if x "something" you accept the concept of a drop in the ocean, or an equally blunt NO, but if you expect to see any "tangible" results and / or immediate - either on your screen, let alone in the world.

I repeat: this approach using various scientific communities volunteer information for many years - x far as I know especially in the field of molecular research on drugs to combat genetic diseases, cancers, and various amenities like, and when I heard that is applied What anke HIV research, I've been just happy.

Of course I have downloaded it - like the time I had done for cystic fibrosis and other gadgets like diosolosa: ok, my PC in this way will never go into power saving mode, and the likelihood as my CPU will have some life + short days compared with the estimates of the factory. Likely, moving in the economy of scale anke in this way contribute to raising the temperature of the planet, national energy reserves depleted, and so on, but the same goes for the avalanche of stuff anke x days and nights with downloaded emule, winmx & Co. .. and everyway. I am sure ke ke + 50 minutes by car on the tail of the Mestre ring road causing damage much worse.

Regarding security, I know there are no problems at all such intrusions, attakki of hackers etc: This does not mean that I exclude that theoretically could occur - but again, should I worry too much about D + when I chat on IRC, or the active messengers, Skype or leave conesso h24 ... Or simply install a Microsoft product. I hope

to have been extensive - and on the technical side, and the private sector, and the political.


Sisi, I am a bit 'bareback - but how did you guess? I guard my secret of jealously + Secrets of Fatima! Your idea of \u200b\u200b

goldoni wool I could still find enough also available but they do not have experience: however, admit ke leaves me very perplexed. In other words, I'm not so sure suck a goldone wool I used is equally rewarding: I do not know, but I have no idea that filled my mouth annoying fluff - and indeed the fiber tratterrebbe the precious juices.

instead But if you have other experiences, let me know, please.

Ever yours, Piero
ugachaka uga uga uga uga ugachaka ugachaka uga uga ... I can not stop this feeling, deep inside of me ..

Friday, November 4, 2005

What Kind Of Weave Did Boots From Flav Of Love

E 'I had a stiff neck,

Celentano me but I never liked it.

And least of all I like today was and is priestly, and was gassed, he was a Catholic and for me, was and is also abysmal ignorance - of those "genetic" and play to make it a flag - if not crown a "King", has never governed.

say "is good" boh, I do not know, I should know better to speak my mind about - but this is not the subject of dispute: I say that I always been on the Maroni, who is very different: I make a (my) problem east / ethical, not technical. But let's move on. From

aristofrocio good, obviously I was not sure of encountering in its program - are too snobbish about these things, let alone after the shoot antiberlusca, dad-rock and slow-zapatero, which, although not seen, I obviously could escape. Obbastalà, I said to myself, Trojan horses are a classic that always works: I'll knock a man ke Berlusconi attacks RAI on the front page, turning the 'event' (?? But joking, right?) In a test of adamantine freedom, and Zac - sneaking, since ke is so cool to shoot up by Berlusconi Public Service, I'll knock et beyond free love of a beautiful paean to the pope and its homophobia - automatically cleared by any critical approach: "if he shoots at Berlusca, it's cool, and if he's cool, so is the rest of anke what he says." S useless indeed cool - is "rock" .. Ugh.

Not only that but pay 2 get one ... included in the bill we put on my well-Grillini Boccalone that squeaks "offended" - without thinking (probably) anke that while he endorses the views of the image of Celentano. Oggesù.

But I insist it was for this reason, I would not be here to write, now, the fact is that I had a stiff neck.

And then I had slingshots to bed early, well impastigliato, and so painful as to pass in the second-ke made the TV room was lit up Rockpolitik. I remember I once had barely had time to think, "But you see, we got to the point that Celentano is' transgressive'...", and then I fell asleep.

to wake up then at some point: just as painful, but a total surprise: I saw Patti Smith, and sang "Because the Night." "My" Because the Night, and not, more simply, the initials of Enrico Ghezzi.

thin as ever, as more segnatissima could not. E 'survivor, fuck jeans blacks in boots, cut jacket for men. Sing sing today as 30 years ago, (I) gives the same thrill. I feel

already pardoned - na stuff gives me at least a quarter .. x sap but no, not enough in the end we also puts the words of Pasolini on TV and the oppressed.

I wonder if I was really limited to just take some painkillers, but it really is so: they are not drugged, I'm malebestia, I wake in the night with the scheduled Celentano, and there 'Patti Smith.

Ok, then spoke ill of Bush and America today - I agree, love .. x + but this is already normal. Celentanesco, I mean. Like instead of making the event more to his way of talking and smiling - almost as a child ... Azz, Patti Smith laughs.

I feel silly, I think of those who know me from the profiles web, fuck with me and then they wonder "but you're a softie." Macchebello that beautiful cock.

Then there's' door-to-door, Berinotti, La Russa (= rock), the sfigaterrima Elisabettagardini (lentaaaaaaa!!:)

Okok .. I can go back to sleep. Exaggerating when I add "happy"? no, not exaggerating.
